- images online to download, since the link can change
- PDF highlight can use the default PDF reader before moving to PDF
- use [single bracket for phonetic symbols] do not use | as it's for table, instead use "tick [".
- use
for cross languages windows key + .
is the emoji interface- do not make assumptions.
- sound sign cannot begin a line [] due to the task sign conversion
- use more double clicks for a word, instead of highlight
- Principles of Choices, Decisions, and Creations
- build tag hierarchy unless there's a reference framework
post-added timesaving- replace: - don't use bullet point, use short sentence instead
- concept - 7 perspectives of a concept
- the pathway is where you can view all the links
- searchable notes:
*f*, *chunks*
, meaning- or use the chunks to determine the gender, do not need to explicitly, application oriented.
- Character - adjective, noun
- minimize the use of "-"
- pdf - underline instead of dash
- bold (underlined)
- italic (asterisk)
- replace
. - clear differentiation between private vs public
- use comma, instead of slash.
- swipe left to show the outline pane.
- Mind Patterns - Mental Model
- equal using +, annotating and breakdown using -
- chunks-centred, reading, meaning kneaded together
- date or month or year timestamp some new notes.
- the link clicking requires 10 seconds.
- don't publish using command on mobile, will cause code shown in the website.
- practice with Series.
- D2L applications
- City of Burnaby
Nodes Schema
- DO NOT copy and replace, instead search and replace
- always start with the most
signs ==
otherwise the accents will not be correct.
- always start with the most
- highlight can be used in pure English nodes not required with any replacements, highlight bold - highlight normal - bolder.
- two asterisks are enough for highlight, do not use the italics
- all nodes names are in English
- ([...]) used in phonetic symbols to avoid marking easy ones
- double asterisk to combine if all important and in the end use
to search.- definitely cannot use
since if unified on the schema, the French and Spanish will mix up the meaning in English as transferred in Lexilogos.
- definitely cannot use
*valuable chunks to be escaped* if needed
(meaning)- icons or symbols need to be unique for its function
codes and keys
if not necessary, don't wrap the punctuation - (table also show the height) - for the actual context in the target language or their Lexilogos keycodes (could be the keyboards letters, foreign languages, programming languages) so that they are protected from translation when other visitors view the English based instructions.- benefits - the original sentence is intact if translated like in WeChat
- also won't cause too much red line
- can easily differentiate i, I, or l.
(must add a character before the equal sign)- the chunk would reflect the case and the node.
- RTL languages for my learning for phonetic symbol marking clarification -
in Arabic andv
when marking the phonetic symbols, takes an extra ([;]). - cannot easily capitalized or use lower cases
(keep original ending of the word),-?
(add conjugation),~?
(drop original ending) -don't show the middle process, the rule should be explained in the word classification- basic rule is the no English meaning or abbreviations, annotations showing up wrapped in the key code
- Arabic (the an), Japanese chunks tenses, chunks (the
- word ([phonetic symbols] meaning), when searching for phonetic symbols, always follow by the meaning or examples, so search by
, to differentiate from footnote symbol which only [^1], not using the asterisks.text^[inline footnote]
- use
to replace the =o in Arabic, cannot use "-" as it's for an Arabic letter, nor for Japanese - . when marking Arabic pronunciation o=, do not only mark one word, mark the chunk, otherwise it may show as a link
- {} to annotate singular or plural, gender always follow the noun, verb conjugation for annotation
- m, f, n, q, s for Arabic French Japanese nouns, verbs and 2nd pronouns (you) singular masculine, singular feminine, singular neutral, singular unknown.
- don't show attributes (like no necessary) inline, ~case~ (n, a, g, d, p, i), gender (f, m, n, u), ~plurality~ (p), ~stem~ (h, s) ~rule~ (7, 5, 4), ~consonant~ (c), ~ending~ (conjugation)
- p, mp, fp, np, qp only for 2nd person (you) plural masculine, plural feminine, plural neutral, plural unknown or mixed, or the English words cannot tell the gender differences.
- when the typical word ending is before the attribute, don't use the key sign
- {c} (consonants).
- {} cannot end in one line, must have a period.
- immediately follow the kanji {hiragana of kanji annotation}. suffix in Japanese without space, to be differentiated with particles
- {all conjugations full word listed}.
if used for the dollar sign, must add the space.- folder indent turned off, interfering with the bolding
- "meaning quote" (cannot use the single quote as it's often used in transliteration in Lexilogos) in the target the language
- remove all the full quote unless in Chinese texts
- () is for the meaning and explanation
- when the () is too far, revert using
- when the () is too far, revert using
- use
(->) as a change process - NO
since it's convertible in Lexilogos, and other math formula and codes, as well as files names, not very searchable - The newest learned as the top headings typed in the first, group by pattern
- pages with a single @ means a character, a person, or an anchor node.
- .? meaning the unchanged order with a tone can be a question
- add a space between the bullet point of the tasks and the heading so that the published page looks formatted
- dimensional thinking
- renamed pages to first publish from the sidebars
- Economics foundation decides on the upper structures
- photos keep or delete principle - if it's joyful, aesthetics, for serotonin (emotions, digestion and metabolism) and dopamine (movement, pleasure and reward)
- only leave pending tasks, completed tasks to remove the checkbox since it will mess up the format
- note when recalled, don't wait till later without noting
- pages are mostly for application and deliverables like portals: lecture notes with exercises etc
- when page is a concept, still the concept can be embedded in asterisks
- are not a concept - global navigation
- Start page titles with a capitalized letter
- Add a space after typing a sentence, or a period.
- within the heading, use a blank line (not any character or
to avoid section myth) to separate the tasks bullet point
- within the heading, use a blank line (not any character or
- searching is the most convenient way to reach an idea or a page.
- pdf is only used for linking the quotes sources, whether it's a slide or reading
- don't use as headings
- don't name too long
- if needed, add a heading for it to be searchable
- clusters proximity rules
- when to create a new page
- don't have to rename pdf files, expose the file extension so it can be easily located, don't name a pdf name too long
- All with H1 Heading, if H2 Heading required, otherwise branch a new page
- Clustering, Searchable, Navigating instead of Linking (supported by links, tags, query)
- to search and find text quickly and edit (bulk replace)
Obsidian Roadmap
- Roadmap
- RTL language support
- Diagram publish
Obsidian Current
- ask a question: is it for categorizing or understanding & creating
- linked pages to be in the front below properties
- Index like Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are to serve as keywords especially single words, not in the context.
- keywords for tagging or categorizing
- Alias are used for precise matching, to find the missed in the context; only use aliases on chunks (not a single word unless it's very complicated)
- to add alias only when there're instructions or notes, in the context for meaning or understanding or leveraging to generalize, otherwise it will get lost in the indexing of different perspectives
- tags are more for organization of the index alongside the graph.
- query to minimize, as it can be fetched using tags natively; only use it if you don't want the page to be rendered as linked mentions.
- Local but out-of-vault .docx files linkage like external links
- check updates for community plugins
Obsidian features
- can copy as quote now
- unlinked mentions outward: when taking notes, you don't have to worry much about the linking, link when review
Type double brackets to link.
Page names starts with upper case letters.
Do not delete a page until all the mentioned links are removed.
- Ctrl + P to perform tasks like to publish
- Ctrl + O for open a note, like pages, links, or assets
PDF Annotation
- use ilovepdf rotate to rotate the PDF first since the rotation does not persist in Markmind Guides
- taking notes are to build navigators, so at left when quoting and viewing PDF
Digital Garden and Web Publish
- Digital Garden plug of Obsidian, developed by Ole Eskild Steensen who is based in Norway
- Don't use - in the footnotes, if published it will become a bullet point
- use iframe to render the video player for iframe to be responsive, add a top attribute to the position property with top, left, bottom, right values, need a top value of 10px, an empty line wouldn't change
div style="padding-bottom:56.25%; position:relative; display:block; width: 100%"
style="position:absolute; top: 10px; left: 0"
- note: 20px will be too close with the next line (or adding empty lines won't change)
- if nothing contents changed and published, the deployment will produce errors
- added a HTML script to monitor the web analytics of the home page only (no other pages)
- project setting (uses
) or production deployment (on Vercel, using another framework?) - 404.njk change
- once published, the footnote will reorder
- beware of the dg-home tag not set in multiple pages
- when sync'ing the mobile via Mobius (similar to SyncThing), don't firstly open the app, instead open the mobius sync.
File naming convention
- title to exclude
*, /, \, ", <, >, :, ?, |
. - @ included in the name can also be published to the digital garden
- don't include ~~ under the bullet point to break the pattern
- image and pdf name searchable
- name humanly, instead of relying too much on machine generated code for your own knowledge work
Writing and Linking
- align the mission with the tools you're using
- inverse pyramid - important and new comes first
- consider its definition, categories, parent, and child, attribute, type, examples, and its usage; general cases
- obsidian - editor with data control; fits the Zettlecasten method
- file control discretion; performance
- consistency (don't use plugins not related in the official roadmap or cannot be customized)
- when deleting a page, also delete the backlink to it
- avoid linking heading as susceptible to text changing; just as marker for pages reference
- use aliases in the front-matter to include the plurals, abbreviations etc.
- use @@ for retrospect