Discussion on Critical Reading

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4 Key Questions


Edwards C. (1997) Understand


  1. I grew up in a vicious greenhouse, ...
    • Fundamentalist - a person believing in strict adherence to doctrines and practices held to be fundamental to Christianity
    • Cain and Abel: first 2 sons of Eve and Adam; god favored and accepted the sacrifice of firstborn flock from Abel, the shepherd, instead of the crops from Cain, the farmer. Hence, Cain killed Abel and was punished by god.
  2. As I approach my 42nd year, ...
      1. Edwards would like to share his story of what worked and hurt him through his recover from the terror of his childhood
  3. What worked is ridiculously simple, ...
      1. a chaplain - the priest - and a volunteer listened to and reflected Edwards' experience back to him with empathy and offered choices to be sane again
      1. drubbing - a beating or thrashing
  4. In another instance, ...
      1. Edwards' wife believed him to be the trustee to end the hospitalization regardless of the doctor's advices for Edwards to regain the control over his life
  5. Another of my hospitalizations ended ...
      1. Edwards' father offered him a choice during the hospitalization when he was deprived of making decisions of himself.
  6. What hasn't worked? ...
      1. Hospitalization didn't work for Edward as a patient when the healing process lacks human interaction
  7. How can a person heal ...
      1. Edwards believe the lack of real human contact due to the fear of "crazy people" and thus objectification of patients negated the positive effects of medications
  8. The issue of listening to ...
      1. delusion - the action of befooling with false impressions or beliefs
      1. Listening to the delusions and connect to the feeling by the patient can help treat a patient
  9. I have observed the importance of such fictional engagement ...
      1. Listening to such fictional engagement like delusions would help because Edwards supported his wife in 2 manic episodes as she strove to realize ambitions in the real world
  10. I want to finish by underscoring my claim ...
      1. The stories of the mentally ill people are worth exploring and listening for them to recover
  11. While experiencing my psychoses in the hospital,...
      1. allusion - an indirect reference to a people or thing; metaphor, parable
      1. death row - prison section for those sentences to death
      1. A prisoner on death row awaiting electrocution is an allusion by Edwards as he recovers from the self-wounding to imitate Christ for the resurgence of his Christian faith after hospitalization and psychoses
  12. I now connect both ...
      1. What's the original delusion here? is it the delusion in the poem? or is it the self-wounding
      1. Edwards connects and recover from the terror of his childhood with fictional engagement

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