Japanese chunks
- Merck Manual - Japanese
- Jisho vocabulary dictionary
- Lyrikline - Japanese poets
- Xinhua Japanese
- Japanese grammar on typing and pronunciation
- standard, the original not spaced, the phonetic symbols spaced for Kanji
genki{元気} desuka
are you well?chinamini, su{}ki na ta{}be mono{} ha, tenpura to PIZA desu
Japanese keyboard Lexilogos - mostly used to convert to Hiragana or Katakana
- Hiragana in lowercase; Katakana in uppercase Latin alphabet
- cannot simply copy as the English meaning will gets transferred as well.
There are 3 syllabaries in Japanese.
- mostly used to write the content words, like nouns, adjective stems, and verb stems.
- Readings for Kanji is categorized mainly into
the Japanese reading, and for mostly native Japanese words including most adjectives and verbs, andOnyomi
based on original Chinese pronunciation, often using 2 or more Kanji, written in Katakana.hito{人}
.AMERIKA jin{人}
.FURANSU jin{人}
French people
- Multiple readings for most common Kanji characters
Chinese person,chuugokugo{中国語}
Chinese language.eigo{英語}
English,FURANSU go{語}
French,SUPEIN go{語}
school, sometimes reading goes through transformation to make pronunciation easier.
tall, expensive,chi{小}sai
trailing Hiragana, needed to perform various conjugations without affecting Kanji.koukou{高校}
high school.shougaqkou{小学校}
elementary school.shougakusei{小学生}
middle school.chuugakusei{中学生}
middle school student.daigaku{大学}
- When pronounced the same, different Kanji characters can often be used to make subtle distinctions, or give a different shade of meaning for a word.
as in hot climate,atsu{熱}i
hot object or person.mi{見}ru
to see,mi{診}ru
to see - diagnose.
- Hiragana is used to write inflected verb and adjective endings, phonetic complements to disambiguate readings, particles, and miscellaneous words.
- no retroflex sound in Japan
- あ
, いi
, うu
, えe
, おo
, - k か, き, く, け, こ,
- g が, ぎ, ぐ, げ, ご,
- s さ, し
, す, せ, そ, - z ざ, じ
, ず, ぜ, ぞ, - t た, ち
, つtsu
, て, と, - d だ, ぢ
, づdzu
, で, ど, - h は, ひ, ふ
, へ, ほ, - b ば, び, ぶ, べ, ぼ,
- p ぱ, ぴ, ぷ, ぺ, ぽ,
- m ま, み, む, め, も,
- n な, に, ぬ, ね, の,
- r ら, り, る, れ, ろ,
- y や
, ゆyu
, よyo
, - ぁ
, ぃi=
, ぅu=
, ぇe=
, ぉo=
, っq
, to type the small ones - ゃ
, ゅyu=
, ょyo=
,- しゃ
, しゅshu
, しょsho
, - じゃ
, じゅju
, じょjo
, - ちゃ
, ちゅchu
, ちょcho
, - ぢゃ
, ぢゅdjiyu=
, ぢょdjiyo=
- しゃ
- w わ
, をwo
,- wi -> ui, we -> ue
- ん
. - Long vowel sounds in Hiragana
- ei -
[gaku se'e] student. - ou -
[kyo'o] today,ohayou
[ohayo'o] good morning.
- ei -
Furigana: phonetic notation that mark the pronunciation of Japanese Kanji characters alongside or above the character
- Katakana is used for transcription of words from foreign languages or loanwords.
- ア
, イI
, ウU
, エE
, オO
, - K カ, キ, ク, ケ, コ,
- G ガ, ギ, グ, ゲ, ゴ,
- S サ, シ
, ス, セ, ソ, - Z ザ, ジ
, ズ, ゼ, ゾ, - T タ, チ
, ツTSU
, テ, ト, - D ダ, ヂ
, ヅDZU
, デ, ド, - H ハ, ヒ, フ
, ホ, - B バ, ビ, ブ, ベ, ボ,
- P パ, ピ, プ, ペ, ポ,
- M マ, ミ, ム, メ, モ,
- N ナ, ニ, ヌ, ネ, ノ,
- Y ヤ, ユ, ヨ,
- ァ
, ィI=
, ゥU=
, ェE=
, ォO=
, ッQ
, - ャ
, ュYU=
, ョYO=
, - W ワ
, ヲWO
, - ン
. - ー
after vowels forLong vowels in Katakana
Additional Sounds
- Hard consonant sounds used with
p, k, t, s
can use a hard stopq, Q
to carry over the next consonant sound.TORAQKU
[torak;ku] truck.zaqshi{雑誌}
[zas;shi] magazineKAQPU
[kap;pu] cup
- Special Katakana combinations to translate loanwords with sounds difficult for native Japanese to pronounce.
- V ヴァ
, ヴィVI=
, ヴV
, ヴェVE=
, ヴォVO=
, - W ワ
, ウィUI=
, ウU
, ウェUE=
, ウォUO=
, - F ファ
, フィFI
, フFU
, フェFE
, フォFO
, - D ダ
, ディDEI=
, ドゥDOU=
, デDE
, ドDO
, - T タ
, ティTEI=
, トゥTOU=
, テTE
, トTO
, - J ジャ
, ジJI
, ジュJU
, ジェJE
, ジョJO
, - SH シャ
, シSHI
, シュSHU
, シェSHE
, ショSHO
, - CH チャ
, チCHI
, チュCHU
, チェCHE
, チョCHO
[wok;ka] vodkaCHEQKU
[chek;ku] check
- V ヴァ
Tofugu - don't reply on Romaji too much
- Japanese government uses the Romaji - Hepburn, also adopted by the Lexilogos keyboard
- Japanesepod101 on Revised Hepburn Romaji tables
ashita{}, nihongo{} no KURABU ga aru
there's Japanese clubkedo, i{}ku
want to go?nihongo{} no KURABU de nani{} wo suru no
what do you do at Japanese club?
nihongo{} no kaiwa{会話} no renshuu{練習} wo suru yo
do Japanese conversation practice.ore{} ha, shukudai{} ga takusan aru
a lot of homework existskara, ii
so, I'm good.
nihonjin{} mo iru yo
.kawaii onna{}no ko{} ha iru
anou, *ichiou{一応}* watashi{} mo i{}ku kedo
just in case?sou? yaqpari, ore{} ha ii yo
as I thought, I'm good.
so irritating.
ne, saikin{} no TEREBI bangumi{番組} ha
as for recent TV showsdou omo{}u
how do you think?zenzen{} omoshiro{}kunai yone
it's not interesting at all, huh?wa{分}karanai ne
I don't know.watashi{} ha, TEREBI wo mi{}nai
don't watch TVkara
e? nande mi{}nai no
why not watching it?uchi ha
as for our household,TEREBI ga nai no
there's no TV.
no way, lie!hondou{} yo
Take class outside
kyou{} no REQSUN wo haji{始}memashou
let's begin today's lesson.sensei{}, *kyou{} ha tenki{天気} ga ii* desu
today's weather is good.kara, *jugyou{} wo soto{外} de shimashou*
let's do the class outside!
*ii kanga{}e desu* ne
that's a good idea.soreja
well then,soto{} ni i{}kimashou ka
shall we go outside?hai
yaqto shuumatsu{} da
finally weekend!konshuumatsu{} ha hima{}
?doqka aso{遊}bi ni i{}kou yo
let's go somewhere to play.raishuu{} ha
,nihongo{} no TESUTO ga aru
there's a Japanese testkedo, daijoubu{} nano
but you're ok?
un, tabun{} daijoubu{}
probably ok.ja, kono tango{単語} ha kanji{漢字} de dou ka{}ku no
how do you write this word in Kanji?
zenzen{} wa{分}karanai ne
I don't know at all.yuuutsu{憂鬱} to mourou{朦朧} to chuucho{躊躇} dayo
sore ha *TESUTO ni ha de{出}ru* no
come out on test.joudan{冗談} yo. TESUTO ni ha de{}nai yo
Try new food
nee, kyou{} no *hiru{昼}go han{}*
lunchha, doqka ni ta{}be ni i{}kou yo
let's go somewhere to eat.soudane
right.nani{} wo ta{}beyou ka
what shall we eat?
boku{} ha
,nan{}demo ii yo
anything is good.ja, nani{}ka oishii mono{} wo ta{}betakunai
don't you want to eat something tasty?
sore ha *a{当}tari mae{}* da
obvious.dare{} ga oishikunai mono{} wo ta{}betai nda
who wants to eat a thing not tasty?boku{} ha, nan{}demo ii yo
ja, *kyou{} ha oishikunai mono{} ni CHARENJI shou*
let's do a challenge with something not tasty today!*minna{}, aika{相変}warazu hen{変}* ne
everybody is strange as usual.*kyou{} mo shokudou{食堂} de ii* yo
the cafeteria is also fine today.
RI_kun ha doko
okashii ne
odd.koko de iqsho{} ni benkyou{} suru hazu da kedo, doko ni i{}qta kana
?ARISUchan, gomen
.youji{用事} de choqto oku{遅}reta
was little late v1~ru-ta due to an errand.
nani{} wo shiteita no
what were you doing?haha{} kara kyou{急}ni denwa{} ga kuta no
a phone call came suddenly from my mother.JON ni i{言}qta
I told v5~u-qta Johnkedo
didn't he tell v5~ru-nakaqta youno
,i{}qteiru koto ga wa{分}karanakaqta
I didn't understand v5c~u-anakaqta, the thing you were saying v5~u-qteirukara, ARISUchan ni nani{}mo i{}wanakaqta
so I didn't say anything to Alice-chan.nani{}ka wa{}karanakaqta toki{}
when you didn't understand something.ha
,chanto tsuta{伝}eru benki yo
you should properly convey v1eru.
I understood v5~ru-qta.hontou{}ni wa{}kaqta no
did you really understand?
not really.haa
ah, sigh.
Talk about yourself
polite, gender-neutral.watakushi{私}
used only for very formal situations.boku{僕}
polite, masculine.ole{俺}
very casual and masculine.atashi
casual, very feminine.PIZA ha, oishii
as for pizza, tasty?uun
no.watashi{} ha, oishii
as for me, tasty.
tanaka{田中}san ha, gakusei{} desuka
?iie, sensei{} desu
hontou{} desuka
?hontou{} desuyo
totemo waka{}i desune
~you are~ very young, isn't it?.~o~ikutsu desuka
how old ~are you~?sore ha, himitsu{秘密} desu
tanaka{田中}san ha, *atara{新}shii {sensei}* desuka
a new teacher?sou desuyo
todemo kireina jin{} desune
a very pretty person.sou desuka
aq, yamamotosensei{山本先生} mo, *maamaa kaqkoii* desuyo
so-so handsome.arigatougozaimasu
Personal introduction
Tae Kim - Introduction
shorted form of "I meet you for the first time", nice to meet, how do you do?.yoroshikuonegaishimasu
please treat me well or take care of me.- "name, identity, age" +
last name goes first commonly in Japan, esp. in classroom or workplace, not required for names from countries where the order is reversed. jikoshoukai{自己紹介}
working adultKANADA
SUMISUsan no shita{} no namae{} ha, nani{}
what's Smith-san's first name?ARISU yo
.ARISUchan ne
RI_san no shita{} no namae{} ha
RI_kun{君} ne
?e, nande
huh, why?
.watashi{} no namae{} ha, ARISU SUMISU desu
.daigaku{} no ichinensei{一年生} desu
.senkou{専攻} ha, keizaigaku{経済学} desu
.shumi{} ha, SAQKA_ to dokusho{読書} desu
.nihongo{} mo su{} ki desu
.totemo omoshiro{}i desu ga, choqto muzuka{難} shii desune
.chinamini, su{} ki na ta{}be mono{} ha, tenpura to PIZA desu
saikin{} ha, *hima{}da*
casual and masculine version ofne
.toshokan{} de nihongo{} wo benkyou{}shou ka
shall we do the study Japanese at the library?
sore ha, *tsumaranai* yo
boring.ja, nani{} wo shitai no
what do you want to do?
eiga{} wo mi{} ni i{}kou kana
shall I go to watch a movie maybe?benkyou{} ha daijoubu{} nano
un, daijoubu{}
.zeqtai{} daijoubu{}janai yo
definitely not ok.
raishuu{} no kinyoubi{} ni minna{} de nihon{} no RESUTORAN ni ta{}be ni i{}ku kedo
everybody's going to eat at a Japanese restaurant next Friday,ARISUchan mo i{}kitai
?nanji{} ni i{}ku no
yoru{夜} no haqjihan{}
.choqto oso{遅}i ne
sore ha, ARISUchan ga mainichijuuji{} ni ne{}ru *kara* dayo
so.chiga{}u yo
not so.
ja, haqjihan{} de daiyoubu{} dayone
.iiyo, haqjihan{} de
Leisure time
SUMISUsan ha, hima{}na toki{} ni donna koto wo suru no ga su{}ki desuka
what kind of things at leisure time do you like to do?sou desune. *eiga{} wo mi{}ru no ga su{}ki* desu
I like to watch movies.
BURAUNsan ha, *ashita{} nani{}ka yotei{} arimasuka*
do you have any plans tomorrow?hai, boku{} mo *eiga{} wo mi{} ni i{}kitai* desu
want to go see a movie.
sensei{} no shitsumon{質問} ha wa{}karimasuka
do you understand my question?iie, *wa{}karimasen*
I don't understand, politely.
yotei{} no imi{意味} ga wa{}karanain desuka
?imi{} ha nan{} desuka
Weekend time
konshuumatsu{} ha, *nani{}ka yotei{} aru*
do you have some kind of plan?toku{}ninai kedo
not particularly?
minna{} de, nihon{} no honya{}san ni i{}ku no ha, dou
how about going to Japanese bookstore with everybody?mendokusai
bothersomekara, boku{} ha ii
hima{}na toki{} ni nani{} wo suru no ga su{}ki nano
what to do at leisure time do you like?nani{}mo shinai no
not doing anythingga su{}ki dane
[konnichiwa] good afternoon!SUMISUsan, konnichiha
.mou suqkari haru{} ni na{成}rimashita ne
it already thoroughly became v5c~u-imashita spring.
soudesu ne
.haruyasu{}mi ha, hontou{}ni haya{}ku o{終}warimashita
really quickly ended v5c~u-imashita.soudesu ka
.haruyasu{}mi ni nani{} wo shimashita ka
what did you do v-except in spring vacation?
nonbiri yasu{}mimashita
rested at leisure v5c~u-imashitanode, toku{特}ni nani{}mo shimasendeshita
so, I didn't do anything in particular.sore mo ii desune
.chanto yasu{}mi wo to{取}ru no mo daiji{大事} desu kara
to properly take rest is also important, so.
yamamotosensei{} ha, yasu{}mi ni nani{} wo shimashita ka
what did you do on vacation?jugyou{} no junbi{準備} de iroiro{色々} shiteimashita yo
was doing various things with class preparation.
yasu{}mi wo chanto to{}ru no ha daiji{} desu yo
to properly take rest is important.hontou{} desune
hajimemashite. watashi{} no namae{} ha, JON BURAUN desu
hobbyha, toku{特}ni nani{}mo arimesen
there is nothing particularlyga, {ne}ru no ga *ichibansu{一番好}ki*
like the bestdesu
.shukudai{} ya benkyou{} wo suru no ha, amari su{}kijanai desu
.demo, nihongo{} de hana{}su no ha, su{}ki desu
I like speaking in Japaneseyo
.kanji{} toka hatsuon{発音}
Kanji and pronunciationga omoshiro{}i desu kara
sometimenihon{} ni i{}kitai desu
.shourai{将来} ni
in the futureha, narubeku raku{}na shigoto{仕事} ga shitai desu
I want to do a relaxing job as much as possiblega, nihon{} de ha minna{} ga takusan hatara{働}ku
but, conj., everybody in Japan works a lotkara, doushimashou
so, what shall I do?yahari
as expected,gakusei{} no toki{} ni i{}kitai desu ne
harugaqki{春学期} ha *mou sugu o{終}waru* yone
already soon end -> also end soon.yaqto
.kotoshi{}, hontou{}ni iroirotaihen{色々大変}daqta kara ne
was really tough for various so.natsuyasu{夏休}mi ga tano{楽}shimi
looking forward to summer vacation.
tashi{確}kani taihen{}daqta kedo
certainly it was rough but,{tano}shikaqta yo
was fun.soshite
and then,ninensei{} ni narunda ne
we will become 2-year students.
sou! soshite, tanakasensei{} ga watashitachi{私達} no sensei{} ni naru
Mr. Tanaka will become our teacher.nani{} wo yoroko{喜}nde iru no
what are you getting happy?tanakasensei{} no jugyou{} ha moqto muzuka{}shii yo
Mr. Tanaka's class is more difficult.
tanakasensei{} ha kawaii yone
.kawaii yo na
casual and masculine.
zenzen{全然} *ki{聞}ideinai*
not listening v-except.
tanakasensei{}, MEKISHIKO no ryokou{旅行} ha doudeshita ka
how was the trip of Mexico, politely?totemo yokaqtadesu yo
it was very good.iroiro{} omoshiro{面白}kaqtadesu
various were interesting.yamamotosensei{} mo *i{行}kitakaqtadesu* yone
wanted to go.
.demo kazoku{} mo imasu kara
but I have family, so,sonnani too{遠}i tokoro{} ni i{}ku no ha nakanaka muzuka{}shii desu
it's fairly difficult to go to a place that far.watashi{} ha *mou i{}kimashita kara*
already went, so,*shibaraku ha i{}kimasen* yo
I won't go for a while.
desu kara
it's that, so; the reason mentioned already,tanakasensei{} to iqsho{}ni i{}ku tsumori ha zenzen{} arimasendeshita yo
I didn't have intention of going together with you Mr. Tanaka at all.
tanaka{}san ha, kotoshi{} no haruyasu{}mi ni nani{}ka yotei{予定} arimasu ka
do you have some plan this spring vacation?ee
yes,kankou{観光} ni MEKISHIKO ni i{}ku yotei{予定} desu
plan of going sightseeing to Mexico.
ii desune. watashi{} mo MEKISHIKO ni i{}kitai desune
I also want to go to Mexico.watashi{} ha, hitori{一人} de i{}ku tsumori desu ga
intention of going by myself.
iie, watashi{} ha tanaka{}san to iqsho{一緒}ni i{}kitai wake{訳}janai desu kara
it is not the case that I want to go together with you.
RI_kun ha, ima{} doko ni *su{住}ndeiru* no
residing v5~mu-ndeiru?ryou{寮} ni
in the dormsu{}ndeiru yo
sou nano? amari *mi{}kakenai*
don't happen to seekedo, doko no ryou{}
?zuqto higashi{東} no hou{方} ni aru dokoro{所}
the place that's at the far east direction.
doushite sonnani too{遠}i {dokoro} ni
why in a place that farsu{}ndeiru no
?ichinensei{} da kara
,su{}mu dokoro{} wo era{選}bu no
to select a place to livega *ichibanoso{一番遅}i*
the latest.
either is fine.{nan}demoiiyo
anything is fine.
shukudai{宿題} ha, muzuka{難}shii
as for homework, ~is it~ difficult?kantan{簡単} da yo
it's easy; masculine!
?u_n, tabun{多分} muzuka{難}shii yo
probably difficult.
[doc;cho] which is it?
yamamotosensei{} no *jugyou{授業}*
classha, amari omoshiro{}kunai
.watashi{} ha, omoshiro{}i yo
as for me, ~it's~ interesting.
demo, muzuka{}shikunai
not difficult?sore ha, *ii koto* yo
a good thing.zenzen{全然} yokunai
not good at all.
arisuchan ha, itsumo bentou{弁当} na no
always lunch box?sou. haha{} ha ryouri{} ga su{}ki da kara
boku{} mo bentou{} ga ho{欲}shii na
I also want box lunch.shokudou{食堂} no ta{}be mono{} ha amari su{}ki janai n da
.donna ta{}be mono{} ga su{}ki na no
SUTE_KI toka osushi toka KANI toka
.taka{高}i ta{}be mono{} ga su{}ki nano ne
you like expensive food.tokorode, hiru{昼}go han{飯} ha doushite itsumo RA_MEN nano
yasu{安}i kara
it's cheap so.naruhodo ne
ARISUchan, ohayou
.ohayou, genki{}
.demo, mou hiru{} dayo
~it's~ already afternoon, you know; masculine.
ja, konnichiha
good day, good afternoon.konnichiha
o yasu{休}mi
good night.
Addressing People
- Usually, you refer to people using their last name more polite first, followed by a name-suffix, instead of saying "you" directly.
safest, gender neutral, and polite name-suffix.kun{君}
casual name-suffix, generally for males.chan
casual name-suffix, generally for females.
SUMISUsan ha, genki{} desuka
?hai, genki{} desu. *demo, nemu{眠}i* desu
But I'm sleepy.
soleha, taihen{大変} desu
That's rough!.daijoubu{大丈夫} desu
That's okay.RI_san ha itsumo nemu{}i desu
Lee-san is always sleepy.
Addressing family members
- honorific prefix derived from this Kanji
.- use the honorific prefix when referring to someone else's family
- don't use the honorific prefix refer to your own family unless speaking to families.
o kane{金}
moneyo cha{茶}
teago han{飯}
rice, meal
One's own | Someone else's |
kazoku{家族} |
go kazoku{} |
ryoushin{両親} |
go ryoushin{} |
haha{母} |
o kaa{母}san |
chichi{父} |
o tou{父}san |
tsuma{妻} |
oku{奥}san |
oqto{夫} |
go shujin{主人} |
ane{姉} |
o nee{姉}san |
ani{兄} |
o nii{兄}san |
imouto{妹} |
imouto{}san |
otouto{弟} |
otouto{}san |
musuko{息子} |
musuko{}san |
musume{娘} |
musume{}san |
SUMISUsan ha, AJIA jin{} desuka
no.demo, haha{} ha, nihonjin{日本人} desu
But ~my~ mother is Japanese.
sou desuka
Is that so?.o tou{}san ha
[o to'o san wa] as for ~your~ father?chichi{} ha AMERIKA jin{} desu
I see.
mina{}san ha, kotoshi{今年} no haruyasu{春休}mi ni nani{} wo shimasu ka
what will you do at this year's spring vacation?watashi{} ha, koko de ARUBAITO wo shimasu
I will do part-time job here.
go kazoku{} ni a{}i ni i{}kimasen ka
you will not go to meet your family?watashi{} no kazoku{} ha kankoku{} ni imasu
my family is in Koreakara, hikoukidai{飛行機代} ga totemo taka{}i desu
so the flight fee is very expensive.nanode
therefore,kotoshi{} ha kankoku{} ni kae{}rimasen
I will not go back to Korea this year.
sou desuka. *totemo taihen{}* desune
very tough.
- Detective Conan - good for learning, Kanjis are all annotated with Hiragana.
arigatou, nii{}san
thanks, my elder brother.douitashimashite, otouto{}
you are welcome, my younger brother.
Japanese rice balls.koube{}
beef.nechiga{}etanda ne
didn't sleep properly -> neck stickiness?watashi{} ha gani mata{} de ha arimasen
I don't have bow-leggedness.watashi{} ha totemo koufun{} shite imasu
I am so excited.kyouwatashi{} ha shiawa{}sedesu
I am happy today.sore wo ki{}ite totemo tano{}shiidesu
I am so happy to hear that.
yo{}i ichinichi{} wo
have a good one.itsudemo
Greetings and thanks
- Politely with strangers, teachers, managers:
thank you,doumoarigatougozaimasu
thank you very much- with friends:
thank you,doumoarigatou
thank you very much - politely thank someone for something done in the past:
thank you for what you did,doumoarigatougozaimashita
thank you very much for what you did.
- with friends:
sorry, politelysayounara
I humbly receive; before eating a mealgochisousamadeshita
it was a feast, after finishing a mealiqtekimasu
I'm going and coming back, used when leaving homeiqteraqshai
go and come back; used as farewell for someone leaving the housetadaima
used when returning home.o kae{帰}rinasai
welcome home.
you're well; casual?genki{}
I'm well.genki{} desu
.~o~ genki{} desuka
are you well; polite, o - honorific prefix not with I?
good morning, casual greetingohayougozaimasu
good morning, polite
!KIMU TEI desu
.mina{皆}san ha genki{} desuka
.watashi{} ha *aihen{相変}warazu*
as alwaysisoga{} shii desu kedo, genki{} desu
.nihongo{} ha omoshiro{}i desuka. su{}ki desuka
.sou desune. zeqtai{} su{}ki desuyone
of course,watashi{} mo {su}ki desuyo
how to say that? Japanese minds the privacy especially with ordinary friends.
JONsan ha
,dono sensei{} ga ichiban{一番} su{}ki
which teacher do you like the most?tanakasensei{} ga su{}ki dane
sou dane. kawaii yone. demo, ninensei{二年生} no sensei{} dayone
she's second-year teacher.rainen{来年} ga *tano{楽}shimi* da
something to look forward to.
watashi{} ha, yamamotosensei{} ga su{}ki yo
.e? nande?
jugyou{授業} ga omoshiro{}kunai
isn't his class interesting, ~among all~?omoshiro{}kunai yo! muzuka{}shii yo
is that so?
donna ongaku{音楽} ga su{}ki desuka
what kind of music do you like?
osushi ha, ta{}beru no
?un, daisu{大好}ki da yo
I love it.
demo, nama{生} no sakana{魚} da yo
raw fish.da kara
amazing {i-adj}ne
Discuss hobby politely
RI_san no shumi{趣味} ha nan{} desuka
what's your hobby, Lee-san? {nan} with desu, otherwise {nani}?PASOKON
.GE_MU mo su{}ki desu
sportsha, su{}ki desuka
?iie, amari su{}ki janai desu
RI_san ha
.OTAKU janai desuyo
Healthy hobby
by the way,RI_kun ha doushite isoga{}shii no
Lee-kun, why are you busy?boku{僕} ha suieibu{水泳部} da kara
I'm in the swim club, so.
e, sou na no?
.sou da kedo
that's so but?
demo, shumi{} ha PASOKON to GE_MU janai no
but isn't your hobby computers and games?sou da kedo
that's so but,kenkou{健康} mo daiji{大事} da kara
health is also important so.naruhodo